Browse our knowledge base to get answers to frequently asked questions.

Most common questions

How can I cancel my subscription?

To cancel a subscription, visit your account page and select the "Subscriptions" option from the left-hand menu. Find the subscription you want to cancel and click "cancel." Your subscription and payments will stop immediately, but you can resubscribe or subscribe to other products whenever you want.

Other questions

What is your subscription policy agreement?

To start your monthly subscription, you must register as a member on our website. You agree to receive promotional emails, including third-party offers, and our monthly newsletter, which you can opt-out of at any time. As a subscriber, we will ship you a package every month with the specific item you subscribed to, and you agree to pay the monthly subscription fee. We accept credit cards and use a third-party payment service to process payments. You can cancel your membership through your account page, but if you don't cancel at least 24 hours before your next order date, your subscription will automatically renew.

Do subscription orders come with free shipping?

Yes, all subscription orders receive free shipping.

How much time do I have to cancel a subscription before being charged?

You can cancel up to 24 hours before your billing date or skip that month's subscription and wait for the next scheduled one.

Can I change my subscription billing date?

No, you can't change the billing date, but you can skip a month's charge and wait for the next recurring order.

If I add non-subscription items to my subscription order, will there be a shipping charge?

Yes, shipping costs apply for orders under $100 that include non-subscription items.

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